Alaska : Level 09

Switch to Anna and push the exploding block off the edge

Push the exploding block off the edge of the breaking floor

Be careful not to pause while pushing the exploding block as
doing so may cause Anna to fall without the exploding block

Push the exploding block into the block teleport

Push the block until it can be climbed over

Switch to Ben and toggle the switch

Use the teleport

Toggle the switch

Push the exploding block nearly to the wall

Use the teleport

Push the exploding block into the gap

Climb up and quickly walk all the way left

Climb down and toggle all the switches

Climb down and push the block out of the teleport

Use the teleport

Use the teleport

Climb up and use the teleport

Push the block into the block teleport then quickly climb over it

Climb up and push the block off the ledge

Climb up and push the block half way off the ledge

Switch to Anna and use the bottom teleport

Climb up and toggle the switch

Switch to Ben and get into the lift

Switch to Anna and push the block off the lift then walk right

Switch to Ben and walk all the way right

Climb up and quickly walk all the way right

Proceed to the exit

Switch to Anna and proceed to the exit

Alaska : Level 08

Nintendo DS
Puzzle Expedition Walkthrough