Atlantis : Level 24

Climb up and toggle the middle switch

Climb up and toggle the top switch

Climb up and push the top exploding block off the edge

Switch to Anna and push the exploding block into the block teleport

Switch to Ben and push the same exploding block off the ledge

Drop down and push the same exploding block into the block teleport

Climb up and push the same exploding block off the edge

Switch to Anna and push the exploding block into the block teleport

Switch to Ben and push the same exploding block off the ledge

Drop down and push the same exploding block into the block teleport

Climb up and push the same exploding block off the edge

Switch to Anna and toggle the middle switch

Drop down and push the exploding block into the lift

Toggle the middle switch

Climb up and push the exploding block into the block teleport

Switch to Ben and push the same exploding block off the ledge

Drop down and push the same exploding block into the block teleport

Climb up and push the same exploding block off the edge
(remain inside the lift after doing this)

Switch to Anna and push the block off the ledge to the right

Push the next block off the ledge to the left

Push the exploding block half off the ledge to the right

Climb up and toggle the top switch

Toggle the switch in the bottom right corner

Switch to Ben and stand on the exploding block

Switch to Anna and toggle the switch

This is a good place to Quicksave as the next step needs
to be performed quickly to avoid Ben falling to his death

Switch to Ben, push off the exploding block then quickly walk left

Toggle the top switch

Switch to Anna and push the exploding block half off the ledge

Toggle the switch

Push the block into the lift on the left

Switch to Ben and toggle the switch

Push the block inside the lift three spaces to the right

Toggle the switch

Switch to Anna and push the left exploding block off the ledge

Push the same exploding block all the way to the right

Push the leftmost block into the lift

Switch to Ben and push the block off the edge to the right

Toggle the switch

Push the block inside the lift off the edge to the right

Toggle the switch

Switch to Anna and push the block off the ledge to the right

Push the same block into the lift

Switch to Ben and toggle the switch

Push the block inside the lift off the edge to the right

Toggle the switch

Switch to Anna and get into the lift

Switch to Ben and toggle the switch

Proceed to the exit

Switch to Anna and proceed to the exit

Atlantis : Level 23

Nintendo DS
Puzzle Expedition Walkthrough