How do I unlock Alaska?
Alaska is unlocked by solving or skipping the last Cambodia level
Similarly, the Egypt and Atlantis sections are unlocked by either solving or skipping the last level in the previous section
How do I unlock the Bonus section?
The Bonus section is unlocked by solving the last Atlantis level
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to have solved every level up to this point and the only difference between unlocking this and the other sections is not having the option to skip the last level
Why didn't the other shadow block move as expected?
This is typically caused by pushing the shadow block too quickly in cases where the other shadow block needs time to fall into position
Try pushing the shadow block a space at a time and wait for the other shadow block to fall off ledges or into gaps as appropriate
Nintendo DS
Puzzle Expedition Walkthrough
Puzzle Expedition Solution
Puzzle Expedition Soluce
Puzzle Expedition Walkthrough
Puzzle Expedition Solution
Puzzle Expedition Soluce