Cambodia : Level 18

Switch to Anna and stand beside the right wall

Switch to Ben and push the block just past the ledge

Switch to Anna and push the next block nearly to the end

Push the same block right one space

Push the top right block off the ledge

Push the the same block half way off the ledge

Push the right exploding block all the way right

Push the left exploding block right three spaces

Push the top block off the ledge to the right

Push the same block off the others to the right

Push the left exploding block all the way right

Push the block off the ledge

Switch to Ben and push the bottom block all the way right

Stand under the ledge

Switch to Anna and push the top block off the ledge to the right

Push the block below off the ledge to the right

Switch to Ben and push the bottom block right

Push the top block right

Stand in the rightmost lift

Switch to Anna and toggle the lever

Stand in the lift

Switch to Ben and toggle the lever

Proceed to the exit

Switch to Anna and proceed to the exit

Cambodia : Level 17

Nintendo DS
Puzzle Expedition Walkthrough